
Do you want to dream? This is for you

An engaging story that comes to life in the fascinating setting of the most romantic Italian city

Paperback and ebook:

A girl who has just graduated, with the dream of becoming a prominent journalist; a newspaper, The Voice of the Shadows, put together as best as possible by new journalism graduates to try to make ends meet, with the ambitious goal of entering the information elite; Omar Xantios, a famous and mature South American orchestra conductor, which is in his Venetian tour, and whose past is surrounded by a mystery regarding his controversial role in South America, during the political upheavals in his country. These are the ingredients of the engaging story, unfolding in the magical triangle existing among Verona, Treviso and Venice. Chiara needs to interview the great music Maestro to publish the weekly article, or the newspaper risks failing, but things don’t go as expected. In fact, Omar Xantios does not grant interviews. So, at the newspaper, with great difficulty, they manage to allocate a sum, which will allow Chiara to stay at least one night in the same, very luxurious hotel where Maestro Xantios is staying in Venice. Descriptions and atmospheres are the amazing frame of the involving story.